Haha, this last weekend was another success! For the most part, it was. Friiiday, we had practice with Dacia. We learned some more for Like A Boy & we worked on tricks/visuals. I hope it comes together! Shoot. Hm, afterwardsss, I met up with Tiffany & Monique at Red Devil's. Yummmmy! But I can't go there for a long while, boo hoo, fuck you prom! Then we picked up Ace & the mall & headed to Tiffany's pad. Then Stephanie texted me 'cause she needed a ride so I headed out to pick her up & I told Tiff & Monique that I'd just meet them at Mikey's. We got there & I stayed for like a minute & left -_- I wish I stayed though! Hm, I got home & then Justin was playing poker so he just woke me up when he got home, which happened to be like fiiiive in the mornin'. Saturdayyy. I woke up, called baby up, ate, then got ready to go to Ventura for baby Shane's birthday party. It was at this like moonbounce heaven, hahaha. But I couldn't play 'cause I was still sick =[ & then Tiff told me CSUN's library freaking closed at 5 & I swear I was gonna have a panic attack! So I begged to get dropped off early then picked up at 5 so I can attempt to finish my notecards. I got there around 2:30 & met up with Jeanette, Jessica, Teo, & them. I got like 5 biblio cards & 4 notecards done before it closed -_- I rode with Jeanette & Jessica & we ateee. Then they dropped me off & I worked on my notecards with Miguel. I actually finished! Thank the Lord. Then I got readyyy & waited f o r e v e r for Curt. He was coming from taking his mom out to Medieval Times. But he finally got here & we headed to Tiff's. Oh my, what a night! We got there around 11, and everyone was gone! We barely stepped inside & everyone pretty much attacked me! Hahaha I swear, all I heard was "Lauren! You're here! Omg, Lauren! Lauren!" Hahaha, and then Teri comes up to me "You need to catch up! I'm at like 9" Nahhh! I was siiick! But Curt and I took one of the UV. Curt had to wear my plaid ahaha. I don't know what we were doing but it was like 11:55 & so I called up Justin, poor baby. Haha home on his birthday but this phonecall probably made it theee best! Haha, I gave the phone to Tiff and she started singing, no yelllling happy birthday to him & then tell me why everyone joined in, hahaha their drunk asses. The rest of the night was just a bunch of fun, too much to blog about, I guess. Haha "Man, why can't guys ever keep their dicks in their mouths?!" HAHAHA. Hm, we all ended up sleeping around 5/6 -__- & we woke up at freaking 7 in the am thanks to Patrick & Roel. Hm we got the house ready & we picked up Tiff's momma from the airport then headed to Justino's! Haha we had the funnest rides there & back this day. Hm we got there & it was fun. I was forsure nervous to meet everyone, especially all at the same time, haha. Hello overwhelming, all his family & all his friends you might as well call family. But it's alright, just something I gotta work at, haha. His nephew is the most adorable thing! Ah, and so is his neice. Hm we went to the duck ponddd, Tiffany was in love with them, oh my. Hahaha. & then we had to go. Ride home was fuuun. Then baby called me before he went to bed & and we knocked out. Or at least I did, haha. Then monday, school -__-


Training tomorrow! Ahh.
Training tomorrow! Ahh.
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