Tiffany's Birthday Weekend pt. 1!

Alberto, my valentine (:

Diego, meanest guy everrr.

John(Michael), Curt, & Diego.

Birthday girl!
Valentine's Dayyy

For my valentine!

We're amazing, I know.

Love ya, Ma!

So, I didn't do much today but bake with Melanie. Haha I drove her mom's rental Benz! Fuck, I want one now. Anywayy, after so many hours of baking, I dropped off Alberto's cupcakes off. This nigga. Oh my so at Tiff's dinner I was just joking "I have something planned for you, you better come up with something cute tomorrow" & I thought he would just be like "Nah, fuck that" about it. This bitch comes out of his house with this huge bouquet & a heart shaped cheesecake. Aw! Best valentine, ever. <3
Diego and curt ;]
happy valentineees day !!! :D
hhahaha thanks!
i do my nails on my own. i change them on the daily LOL. i mean if yu have long nails and want me to do them for you i will ahaha <3
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