i really do wish i made more of my high school years. but on the other hand, it was a lot of fun. so overwhelming and not to mention, being surrounded by some of the most good looking guys at ghchs wasn't so bad either.
edit; oh my, this would be my horoscope.
Gemini Horoscopes (May 21 - Jun 20) Saturday, Nov 15th, 2008 -- You could feel as if you have run out of time, yet there are still so many things you haven't done yet. But this isn't about endings; it's about starting whatever comes next. Stop looking back into the past; you can't change it now. Instead, turn around and take notice of what's ahead on the path of life. Here's where your work begins.
haha you like how this has nothing to do with me. (:
ghchs talent show!
When? November 21, 2008 @ 7pm. Where? Highlander Hall. How much? $8. Buy at the student store or from any performing arts student. like me (: Why? Uh, it's pretty much the most legit high school talent show in the valley. And plus, I'm in it like four times so you know it's gonna be good. (;
you should make me a sign! "lauren is my best friend!" ;D
Ten things you wish you could say to ten different people right now: 1.) i hope you see how karma's gotten to you, big time. i warned you. i hate to be the one to say "i told you so" but whaddya know, you're slippin'! 2.) why'd you have to be so cute? and so freaking sweet. i didn't want to look at you like that, handsome, but it happens. 3.) i wish we didn't drift. i mean i know it hasn't happened completely yet but i feel it falling apart. i hate missing you and i hate that it's so hard to see each other often. you have no idea how often i think of you, it kills me. 4.) aw, we just got close again. i'm sorry if i did anything to make it weird again, but whatever. it's always been a little awkward between us, i'm just glad we can talk again. 5.) i love love love you. i do wish we spent more time together though. you're probably the only guy i could really just call up and have a decent conversation with without any weird silences or anything. 6.) you're my favorite wingchick, love you! 7.) i feel bad for you,i do. but don't use me as a person just fill in her void or anything. i'm not her and i'm glad. there are other people out there, don't sulk around in the memory of what could have been. 8.) haha, i love you but you just kinda ruin things sometimes, haha. not on a major scale or anything, it's just funny. 9.) honesty. you should try it. 10.) i've always had a tiny crush on you. hahaha.
Nine things people should know about you: 1.) i'm not into the whole crying deal. 2.) i really do hate fighting. even if you've done something real shady to me, i'll probably forgive you. 3.) i hate hate hate awkward. 4.) i dance every chance i get. and arman would agree, i can dance well. 5.) i care too much, it's a bad bad bad habit. i get real frustrated with it too. 6.) i wish i could accept change more easily. 7.) i'll introduce myself to you when it's appropriate. 8.) i wish i could sing! teach me! 9.) i'm pretty funny, haha. you just gotta see.
Eight ways to win your heart: 1.) make me laugh. a sense of humor's gonna win anyone's heart. 2.) dance with me, i can't stand wallflowers. 3.) surprise me. in a good way of course, aha. 4.) i like when i can be trusted. 5.) confidence is always sexyyy. 6.) if you know what's good for you, i know you'll know what's good for me. 7.) i need to trust you too. 8.) and yeah, if you can do something real well. if you have something you really care about.. yeah.
Seven awesome movies: 1.) chicago. 2.) garden state. 3.) saw I, II, III, IV, V 4.) v for vendetta. 5.) click. 6.) zoolander! 7.) wanted.
Six things you do before you fall asleep: 1.) shower 2.) put my hair in a bun. 3.) think about what to wear the next day. 4.) brush them teeth. 5.) wash my face agaaain. 6.) charge my ipod.
Five people who mean a lot: 1.) family, even that's more than one person. 2.) aaron manuel. 3.) jerwyn tiu. 4.) melanie gay girl manzano. (; 5.) bernice rivera.
Four things you dont like: 1.) untrustworthy people, bad friends. 2.) grammatical errors. 3.) lies. 4.) not knowing what to do.
Three things you like: 1.) dancing. 2.) laughing. 3.) sleeping.
Two things you want to do before you die: 1.) buy my parents a house. 2.) go shopping with my grandkids.
the new csi that's on tonight, haha. okay, so i don't write in this real often but whatever. the past couple of weeks have been so gay, you don't need to know about them. i didn't take any pictures at homecoming, can you believe? the game nor the dance. whatever, they were both wackkk. well for me, at least, haha. um tell me why everytime i try to make plans, i'm never available weekends until the next month. it's annoying. not that i'm complaining too much or anything, because i enjoy being busy, i do. it's just sometimes i want to just go out on a weekend and dance dance dance. oh well.
"here comes the cold, break out the winter clothes and find a love to call your own."
it's getting colder! ay yai yai, it's already christmas time. senior year is going by so so so fast. i hate it! there was that sign i read a couple weeks ago "30 weeks left for seniors, how about you?" what the heck. only thirty. i mean, it's not even thirty anymore. it's like 25. ugh. there's so much i gotta do.
this weekend: friday - chatsworth hc game, sleepover melanie's. saturday - comp. team practice, hsm3, st. gen hc game, lindsay? sunday - aaron! and somehow find a way to fit in finishing trig homework and the rough draft to smith's essay.
next weekend: friday - football game vs. chatsworth. saturday - booksale, fall rally, fairfax hc? sunday - free! woop.
nov. 17-21 monday - act one tech/dress rehearsals. wednesday - act two tech/dress rehearsals. thursday - talent show rehearsals, previews. friday - talent show.
yeah, the talent show's coming up quick! buy your tickets soon! they sell out fasssst! i'm not even joking though. you can buy a ticket from me, any of mrs. taylor's students, or the student store for eight bucks. it'll be exciting!
that is gonna be one hell of a week. i'm in like four dances -_- greaaat. hahaha.